Help Various Needs
Sport Injures
Typical Conditions:
Regular Maintenance: Spinal area, Upper Body, Lower Body
Knee Pain
Neck Pain
Stiff Shoulders
Sprained Ankles
Hockey: Concussion, Cold Ankle and Feet
Golf: Stiff Wrist, Lower Back Pain and Stiff Toes
Tennis: Stiff Wrist and Elbows
Before or After Game, Athlete Maintenance:
👉 Special Arrangement is possible [based on Game day or Onsite]
Pain Management
Typical Conditions:
Pain from Long hours position: Sitting, Standing, Lifting
Post surgery maintenance
Headache and Migraines
Finger or Toe Numbness
ICBC Car Accidents:
👉 Require ICBC Claim number before 1st session
👉 Please book a free consultation before ICBC session
Typical Conditions:
Difficult to fall in sleep
Frequent wake ups
Have to go to washroom during sleep hours
Post injure or Post Car Accidents: Stressful mind
Lots of dreams, unsettled sleep for months+
Frequent night shifts
Jet lag
👉 Insomnia patient: please book evening slots: For example, close or after 5PM for better result
Cold Syndrome
Typical Conditions:
Cold Feet
Cold Hands
Cold Lower Abdomen
Cold Lower Back
👉 Usually offer TCM herbal bags for foot soaking or hand soaking as follow up treatments
Women Health
Typical Conditions:
Cramps in Lower Abdomen
Bloating and Discomfort around Caesarean section scar
Menopausal Symptoms
de Quervain Disease [Tenosynovitis, Mom's hands]
Pregnantal: Morning Sickness
IVF Preparation:
👉 Special Arrangement is possible
Irregular Periods:
👉 Please book between periods for better result
[*except excessive bleeding, book any time]